An evaporative condenser is a heat exchanger with a finned coil, plate, or shell and tube, which, by means of the principle of evaporative cooling of water, enables a refrigerant gas to be cooled and condensed.
Read the article What is and how does an evaporative condenser work for more details.
In the context of cooling towers, the term "white rust" refers to a premature corrosion attack that comes to form within a year or two after the startup of equipment.
To prevent this type of corrosion, read How to prevent white rust in cooling towers?
Benchmark for cooling towers, determined with the psychrometric diagram, knowing the ambient temperature and relative humidity. It can be defined as the temperature of water under convective exchange equilibrium conditions with air in fully developed turbulent motion.
The wet bulb temperature is usually lower than the ambient temperature by about 4÷6° C: as a result, the cooling tower cools the water to a temperature lower than the ambient temperature.
The evaporative fill pack is a complex of plastic modules, built in a honeycomb pattern and resting on a metal support structure. The sheets of fill pack allow the water in the cooling tower to be divided and activate the contact between the fluids, thus determining the cooling process.
The structure, honeycombed with vertical channels, ensures low pressure drop on air flow and eliminates the possibility of water stagnation. The fill pack evaporative is suitable for temperatures below 55°C, resists decomposition from biological or fungal attack, and is self-extinguishing.
There are different types of fill packs: read the article"I fill packs in cooling towers" to learn more.